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Blogging For Me

I know a TON of people have posts with titles about blogging, like:

  • 8 mistakes beginning bloggers make
  • How to make money off your blog
  • 5 simple steps to make money blogging

Some of the tips are winners and some are not.

I started writing on my own personal websites ages and ages ago as a way to improve my writing skills. I’ve studied all the “how to” posts and everything content marketing related for my work, so here, on this site… I write for me. If you are reading this, thanks for coming along for the ride. Appreciate the support and hope you find something interesting here.

My personal tips for blogging:

  • Don’t write what you think you have to, write what you know
  • Study a little about SEO
  • Write when you feel like writing
  • Use a mobile app to write posts when you have time, you can edit them later
  • Use a scheduling tool to space out you posts on your site
  • Use an auto tweeter to promote your content when it’s finished
  • Always share something you think is important with your friends but don’t do it too much or it gets annoying

The biggest tip anyone can give you though is to have fun or you won’t write for long. That’s right, it needs to be fun. If you are blogging or vlogging or creating content because you think it’s the way to get your self a ticket to the spotlight, it won’t be. I hate to be the wet blanket, but it is the truth. The people who make it, love this work and do it naturally.